This is so ridiculous. This is basically just a slightly more advanced form of Repooplican GDP worship, except it’s done by libs and fakenats.
Issues like abortion, pedophile elites, mass human trafficking, demographic replacement, BLM, homosexuals, gun control, etc. etc. are not “nonsense populist issues” that don’t matter. Pointing to a foreign boogieman like China or Russia doesn’t justify it either. We can’t hope to combat China if our country is rotting from the inside out. The culture war is real and it’s even more important than conventional war.
All of this, the Repooplican GDP worship, libs crying about Russia, and fakenats who want to gloss over White replacement, are all ultimately products of the replacement of politics with economics. This is only enabled because America is being viewed as a country less and less, and more like a borderless economic zone. This is something that is enabled and pushed by the Marxists of the Left and the Crypto-Marxists of the Right. They want to push the idea of America as an economic zone instead of a country because it benefits them.
Both sides will repeat the same “One Race, the HUMAN Race!!!” mantra ad nauseum. At the same time, Marxists will tell you that they are “the people’s party” and Capitalists will insist that they are entirely different from Marxists. The reality is that these two parties are functionally the same and neither of them care about the people. The fundamental problem with both ideologies is that axiom of the party; its core belief, is economic in nature. Capitalists are, well, Capitalists. Marxists are obsessed with, well, Capitalists. Marxists want to “seize the means of production” and destroy all vestiges of culture in pursuit of their globohomo ideal. In this regard, Capitalists are at least marginally better because they are apathetic rather than malignant, but the difference is really on semantic.
This is why the first Fascists were all initially Marxists. They understood the issues with Capitalism, but they soon came to realize that Marxism was no better since it forgets the importance of race and ends up obsessing with economics and money just like Capitalism. This becomes evident when you read a lot of the early Fascist pamphlets or listen to their speeches (especially in Italy and Germany).
Images like the above are just so funny to me. Mainstream media LOVES to browbeat le goyim into associating Populism with EVIL!!! Historically, this has usually meant Hitler or some other charismatic dictator. They justify this by saying that these people are actually just conmen or something and that they misled the people for their own agendas. In recent times, however, Populism has overwhelmingly been associated with Trump. If you Google the word “Populism” and go to images you will see at least a dozen pictures of Trump.
Populism itself isn’t really even a specific ideology. It’s just about siding with “the people” over “the elite” and it doesn’t even specify what either of those groups are. There is no inherent racial component, and in fact there have been MANY Left-wing Populist movements. Marxists almost universally claim to be Populists, with the proletariat being “the people” and the bourgeoisie being “the elite”.
Obviously this does present a problem, however, since it certainly IS possible for so called Populist leaders to be grifters (ironically this happens the most with Marxists) but I don’t think this ever really applies to Right-wing Populists. Marxists (you can just replace this with Leftists broadly speaking) have shown, time and time again, that they cannot be trusted with any modicum of power. The Soviets promised peace, prosperity, and a relatively peaceful transition of power. Of course we all know that didn’t happen, people were sent to gulags, starvation was commonplace, and the family of Tsar Nicholas II (including his kids and entourage) were brutally murdered and their deaths covered up.1 More recently, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) fiasco was lead by a “Warlord” pavement monkey who raped and trafficked women for funsies.2
The main problem with Leftist Populism is that it fails to give a meaningful definition to “the people” and so you can’t actually listen to their voice. To the Leftist Populist, “the people” is a cacophony of cosmopolitan (mulatto) dysgenic freaks, and “the elites” are the EVIL Conservatives (Whitey) who ruin everything with things like SYSTEMIC RACISM and THE PATRIARCY!!!! Not only is their view on the elites utterly delusional, but their description of “the people” is so broad that “the people” are usually too busy trying to kill each other to accomplish anything.
This is what sets Right-wing Populism apart. Right-wing Populism always seeks to specify “the people”, granted to does occasionally fall into similar pitfalls. For example, CivNats are a Right-Wing Populists, but the only thing that separates them from Left-wing Populists is that CivNats are fine with swarths only if they come here LEGALLY!!! In it’s more refined state, however, Right-wing Populism is Ethno-nationalism. “The people” are clearly defined under strict racial guidelines which ensure a shared collective unconscious that draws from a common history and culture. In Germany this was the driving force behind the Völkisch movement, and similar ideas are prolific in Fascist literature.
But I think we all intuitively understand that Populism is based, otherwise you probably wouldn’t be reading my publication. So instead of continuing to beat a dead horse, I want to shift gears. Early I mentioned how mainstream media likes to demonize Populism as EVIL NAZI ideology and browbeat people out of Populism, but what exactly are the implications of this?
By telling Populists that Populism is evil, you are effectively saying (at least) one of two things:
You are too stupid to understand you are being manipulated.
The problems you have identified within society are either non-existent or overexaggerated.
This is best exemplified by Leftist rhetoric regarding troonism, specifically child troonism. Leftists will first tell you that NO children undergo hormone therapy. When you point out all of the cases where this actually happens, they begin to say that NO children undergo sexual reassignment surgeries.3 When you point out all of the cases where this actually happens, they begin to say that it either doesn’t happens as much as you think or that it’s a good thing.4
This is the same basic formula which Europe (now Germany) and other morons use to downplay the significance of issues like immigration, abortion, etc. They put the GDP on a pedestal and cast everything else to the wayside; if the GDP goes up that’s good and that’s all that matters. This is what many “Political Science” majors also do; they take the people out of politics and replace them with the economy. In fact, these people will often have more concern for Populist issues in foreign countries than here at home! Again, this should not come as a surprise to you because these people believe in a cosmopolitan people oppressed by BigConservative(TM) and are entirely detached from reality.
So let us recap:
Populism, in its true form, is the collective unconscious of the racial body crystalized under the leadership of a Great Leader.
Leftists and NeoCons/CivNats can’t have successful Populism because they let in too many poopskins.
Right-Wing Populism is frickn’ based as heck because it is wholesome and RACIST!!
Youpins are trying to keep a brotha down by browbeating Whitey into not caring about anything other than the economy.
Now, I just want to clarify that economic concerns are certainly valid under Populism, but only insofar as the economy is necessary to keep food on the table, a roof over your head, and clothes on your body.
(Read this next bit in pretentious HR mammy longhouse voice) YOU are what is important. YOUR concerns are valid. YOUR voice is heard.
I don’t care if our GDP isn’t as high as China’s. Our people don’t eat poop oil and our infrastructure isn’t made of paper mâché. I care that our borders are being flooded by smelly latinx mongrels, our children are being castrated, and I can’t go anywhere without seeing GAY PEOPLE!!!!
I want to leave you all with this: as recently as a few years ago I myself once derided many of societies issues as “Populist nonsense”. When I uttered the word “Populist” it was with a sneer, as if I was somehow superior to the unwashed masses who were blinded by such mundane issues as living in a healthy society. They, unlike me, could not see that the GDP was all that mattered; that we must have the highest GDP in the world or else the United States would instantly explode.
Not anymore. People will see that we care.
Don’t miss the trees for the forest, and certainly don’t miss the trees for the profits of the sawmill.
Populism and Democracy
As an addendum to the rest of this post, and an expansion on what utility I see in Populism, I want to discuss why an authoritarian (a Fascist, no less) like myself cares so much about Populism. This is also largely in response to a conversation I had with Lionel Verney on iFunny after reading his recent post, which you can read here. It may also help for you to read thus post of mine to further shed some light on the matter:
I’m going to assume you have read both Lionel’s post on iFunny and my Substack article Sui Generis, because they are important for context here.
In Lionel’s post (as well as the comments on that post) he laments the fact that, essentially, people are retarded. He is right about this.
I will be the first person to tell you that democracy has failed. I tell people in real life that I believe that universal suffrage was a mistake. I don’t believe most people deserve the right to vote. I don’t even believe in the existence of a “God given right” to begin with. God gives commandments and tells people of their duty. He doesn’t give you the right to write some smooth operator’s name on a slip of paper and put it in a box with millions of others, in the hopes that “your guy” will win. That is ludicrous and frankly borders on blasphemy.
But that does not mean that I think that all people are beneath me, even though I am objectively smarter than most people. One part of this is the hyperfixation on intellectual faculties that you see in the modern day. As Lionel himself said:
The Liberal solution to all issues is always “more education.”
They have this worldview where there are “gaps” that need to be filled with better education. All issues result in people not being informed properly, and enough. This is why “misinformation” is feared so much, because these “gaps” in knowledge are being filled with “disinformation.”5
But what Lionel, and basically every other “RW intelligentsia” type, fail to realize is the reason why liberals think this way. To the liberal, intelligence is something that is basically entirely environmental (even though studies have shown this is not the case). We obviously all know why that is, so I’m not going to beat that dead horse either. In any case, the liberal is obsessed with education because to them, education IS intelligence. In this regard, you are (probably) no different; both the average libfart and the average RW textposter place intelligence on a pedestal above everything else.
Think about it, when you think about why you don’t like even many White Americans and why you feel superior (especially if you feel “different”) to them, it is because you feel you are smarter than them. And this is probably true. After spending years amongst /ourguys/ I can say that we are all definitely more intelligent than basically all of my “peers” at college, and even most of the professors. And I don’t say that because we all came to the same conclusions, I say that because you all are more articulate, more poignant, and just wittier than libfart McGee. Aw gee I just love you guys soooo much :D
Ok enough with the mushy stuff.
Point being, both the RW and libfarts place wayyyyy too much emphasis on intelligence. And this should mean a lot to you since it’s coming from me. When someone asks what I value the most about myself, I don’t say my dashing good looks, my roguish charm, or my sharp wit. I immediately tell them that I value my intelligence and memory the most. I can remember things about other people’s lives that they themselves forgot, and I take immense pride in this. I imagine many of you are also the same. But I acknowledge that intelligence is not the only thing that matters. There are dozens of other factors that have just as much importance. Physical prowess, moral integrity, Will to Power, etc.
I think we need to be conscious of this, and remind ourselves that there is merit in other people’s lives, even if they are not as smart as you. Not to be all libfarty, but there are a lot of things that dumb people will be way better at than you. They are just filling their niche, just as you fill the niche of the Intelligentsia. You would do well to remember that.
Now, back to Lionel’s issues with Populism. Yes, these people should not really have a say in governmental affairs, at least not on a federal level. They simply aren’t qualified. But they are still instrumental to society.
This was actually a really poignant point. Although it doesn’t have to be brown people, obviously. If you were to isolate yourself from the rest of society, the non-Intelligentsia, who would do all the dumb labor that is beneath you? For this reason alone, the peasant commands your respect. They are acutely aware of their duty, and they accept it with honor. Can you really say the same? As the Intelligentsia, it is your duty to guide the ship of state so that society may not only survive, but thrive. By being a snob, you are shirking your duty in this regard. It is like Verc is so quick to point out; Medieval kings and lords did not hate and exploit their peasants. They understood their relationship well and accepted it for what it was. Without each other, they would both die. Today is not so different.
THIS is why the peasantry, the proletariat, the unwashed masses, the PEOPLE are so important. And this is why Populism is necessary. This is why Populism must be authentic. You do not need to dumb down your talking points for them, because they don’t really even care about them. They want to trust you. To trust that you have their best interests in mind, and that you hear their concerns. This is why a bit of Machiavellianism is crucial. Obviously, you cannot tell people they are too stupid to understand your points. That would make them mad, even though it is probably true. Instead, you need to swap gears. This is why:
If you all haven’t noticed, my personality is a synthesis of the aristocratic man and the simple man. I oscillate between a state of refined intellect and unrefined banality. This is because I think this is the best way to understand the world and, more importantly, to lead it. The best leaders were always in touch with their people on an intimate, personal, level while simultaneously existing as something else. Something more. This is also how I write (when I am not LARPing for school anyways).6
Thus, Populism becomes a tool for placating the masses. It is bread and circuses. If you are doing it properly, you aren’t really even manipulating people. You are simply relating to them on their terms. Just like you don’t talk about Fortnite with your grandad, you don’t talk about the Faustian Spirit of the Occidental Man with Joe NeoCon. But you relate to him all the same. The best leaders (um me btw #boom) can do both with equal fervor. Instead of bringing your world to them (and diluting your world in the process) you must step into their world and understand it for what it is.
By doing this, you secure the admiration and support of your people. Maybe they don’t really understand what you’re talking about. Maybe they don’t really even understand you. But they do understand that you care, and that you are looking out for them even if they can’t quite see it. And, if you don’t care, you don’t deserve to lead. It is not your prerogative. Leadership is not about you, it is about your people.
This is also why tradition and religion are so important, as Lionel has pointed out before.7 Not only do they guide the less intellectual members of society, but they also unite us all. Tradition establishes a common framework from which the Intelligentsia and the peasant may find common ground. This is also why Christian-Nationalism is redundant (not any oxymoron you snarky New Age Atheist you). As virtually every Enlightenment thinker pointed out, a common religion is crucial to a good society. This is also why the Establishment Clause is retarded, but that’s a different conversation.8
So instead of getting frustrated that the average Joe doesn’t know Nietzsche from Schopenhauer or getting annoyed that they don’t understand the nuances of your foreign policy, appreciate that they trust you enough to assume you know what’s best. Let this humble and invigorate you in equal parts. Let it remind you of your duty to support and protect your people. Yeah, maybe they are stupid. But they are good people and they trust you. So be nice to them. Throw them a little Populist bone every now and then. They’ll be happy and you will be free to sit in your ivory tower and ponder whatever esoteric philosophy you feel like. That is the power of Populism.
I'll have to come back to this one and add some links once I get my old posts reuploaded.