Freudian psychology has been devastating for the human race. And I don’t really mean the idea that there are unconscious psychological issues with people; that I agree with. What I disagree with is the idea that the overwhelming majority of these processes are inherently sexual in nature, and that this is a universal trend.
It’s no secret that Freud was a huge pervert, and his work shows that pretty clearly. He believed that basically everything we did is in the pursuit of sex; that we are always thinking about it consciously or otherwise. This has had an absolutely awful effect on society at large.
This issue becomes most evident when you combine it with wide-spread porn consumption. Take this comment for example:
We’ve all seen comments like these; how good Christian women are all secretly sexual deviants, or how all White women in general would do anything for BBC, etc. They all think that everyone is just like them; that everyone is secretly always thinking about sex, especially taboo “forbidden fruits”, and they feel vindicated by Freudian theory. In reality, statistics show that this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Christian couples are the least likely to break up, least likely to cheat, and the least likely to sleep around, etc. interracial couples are also a statistical anomaly and most races prefer to date within their own race; this is especially true for Whites.
Slight tangent: I seem to recall reading someone else’s textpost here on iFunny about how people like this get off to the idea of taking something pure and making it impure. I think that is totally 100% accurate and applies nicely here as well.
Similarly, when you call these people out for being deviants, they will almost always say you are projecting; that you are yourself just as perverted as they are, if no more. Once again, they feel vindicated by Freudian theory; you are subconsciously just as perverted as they are, but you pretend like you aren’t.
However, I do think there’s more to it than that. I think part of it is just the same issue that plagues all midwits: they want to be smart but they aren’t, so they end up parroting things they hear to sound smart. I think another important part is that many of them probably recognize, on some level, that their infatuation with porn is weird and abnormal, and that it results only in loneliness and isolation. By saying someone is projecting, they can lie to themselves and say they aren’t weird and that they aren’t alone in their perverse misery. It’s very sad, really, and I think this is also why there are so many groupchats where all the members do is share porn and RP. They yearn for companionship, but they know that if they were to act like this in public, they would be shunned.
Ultimately, I think Freud was right about a lot of things and I think his theories were spot on, but only for other sexual deviants. The issue is that widespread and easy access to porn has created an entire generation of these deviants and Freud has made them self-righteous. It’s important to remember that these people people are really weird and gross, but it’s equally important to remember that they are diseased.