Sam Hyde
Otherwise known as: Samuyil Hyde [the Ghost of Kyiv], Samahiro Haida [Shinzo Abe's assassin], Samantha Hyde [Covenant school shooter], and Samir Al-Hajeed [international terrorist].
Sam Hyde is a funny guy. His face and name has become a viral meme to the point that any man-made disaster is usually accompanied by hundreds of Tweets attributing it to him. Even most normies know him at this point. What’s more is that he’s always got some new thing going on, whether it be his reality show Fishtank (season 3 begins on October 27th), his short lived but hilarious boxing career, or the infamous TEDx Talk. He’s always got a bit going, and it’s always really funny.
His extensive career in comedy, combined with his Right wing bend has led to him becoming one of the most influential figureheads among the Right, despite the fact that he rarely ever talks politics. If you watch any of his clips or streams or whatever, you start to realize that Sam is NOT a fan of most of his audience.
He’s fairly open about treating a lot of his viewers as pay pigs and he (understandably) often loses his patience with them over super chats and emails, as he did in the above video. It’s hard to blame Sam for this since a lot of his fans really are retarded. Nonetheless, Sam does actually genuinely care about most of his viewers and he does like to see them succeed, and he does dole out compliments every so often although they are usually backhanded.
The result of this is a sort of big brother attitude towards his fans. A lot of people say Sam has become a sort of father figure, or rather that he is assuming the role of a father for many of his directionless male fans. This is pretty intuitively false though, and is best illustrated by comparing him with Nick Rochefort. Nick is much more of a proper father figure in the way people say Sam is. Nick is more paternal in nature (probably stemming from him being an actual father) and he constantly tells his viewers on his own streams (which are about real estate development) that he does what he does because he genuinely likes to see young people making money flipping/renting houses and seeing them develop practical skills.
In contrast, Sam’s attitude is much more akin to that of an older brother. The end result is still the same; you learn a lot and Sam does take some degree of satisfaction in seeing your improvement, although he is much less likely to express this pride than the more paternalistic Nick. Sam’s style is more like bullying you into improving yourself, which is equally necessary and effective as Nick’s more gentle father-like approach. Certainly, fathers are less coddling than mothers and are more willing to let their children hurt themselves if it means they learn from it, but the don’t actively antagonize them like a brother. An older brother is able to introduce more of the hardships of life than a father is willing to, and the brother is also probably more up to date on the realities of contemporary life than the father since old people don’t know what’s going on.
Anyway I don’t want to psycho analyze Sam as some sort of Jungian archetype because he would probably call me a pencil-necked dweeb if I did and he read this article. Instead you should watch his video where he trolls Matan Even on Matan’s stream. It is indisputably the funniest thing Sam has ever done, but you can also really see Sam’s sort of brotherly aspect come out. Even while he is punking Matan he is trying to build him up and teach him how to make more money. There is a distinct note of sincerity in Sam’s voice, even as they are packed inside a small room with 20 Indians on Sam’s dime. Which is also just awesome.
Seriously you need to watch this video it is so funny man.
Sorry I actually started rewatching the video and got distracted. It’s just really funny.
Anyway, the other thing about Sam is that he isn’t retarded. A lot of people just think Sam is sort of a money obsessed funny guy. I mean Sam does like money but he does also have an intellectual side that you don’t really see a lot.
Dude why is Mike Mike such a freak???
Most of the time Sam’s more intellectual side comes out when he is criticizing art. As most of his viewers know, Sam graduated from Rhode Island School of Design’s art program. He’s something of an art theorycel sort of in the vein of Marcel Duchamp, if Duchamp wasn’t a gay loser. His art is counter culture in the way Duchamp’s was, but Sam is still fundamentally a realist and wouldn’t do something as retarded as trying to pass off a urinal as artwork unless he was trying to punk someone, in which case he would probably do it. He’s essentially doing the same thing 20th century liberal hippie types did by upsetting social norms, except he understands that there is fundamental and universal truth to reality, as opposed to libtard subjectivism. Whereas Duchamp’s Fountain does make some good points about how we think of beauty and is somewhat commendable in that regard, it still ignores the fact that the intuitive response to a urinal as art is that it’s gross and you pee in that so it can’t be beautiful. Libtards pretend like that doesn’t matter, while we insist that it does. That’s sort of how Sam’s work operates; he critiques a lot of elements of contemporary life (on both sides of the political isle) but he still acknowledges that there is an objective ideal and strives for it. Liberals just pretend like that isn’t real and that’s why they are fat and gross.
Regardless, Sam’s work invokes a level of introspection that is probably beyond most of his fans and I imagine that is a source of some frustration for him.
The other time Sam’s intellectual side comes up is when religion is brought up. This one usually gets Sam mad, especially when some gay loser atheist emails him about something retarded. I was going to include a clip of Sam talking about an email he got from this loser who was whining about the fact that he had a literal tradwife but he was mad that she was an Evangelical Christian (Church of Christ or something maybe?) but I couldn’t find the clip because it’s been months since I saw it. Anyway, Sam was really getting mad at the guy because he had an objectively solid woman who would be an excellent wife and mother, but this gay little Reddit baby was upset that she wasn’t Rick and Morty-pilled or something. The guy literally could not look past the fact that she was Christian and was unironically considering breaking up with her after years of dating because of it. It really was pathetic, and it was making Sam mad that the guy thought Sam would be on his side. Anyway it was a good video and I will link it if I find it.
But you can see that Sam takes religion pretty seriously. I don’t really know the specifics of his beliefs, and I don’t really care that much, but he has said a number of times that atheism is retarded and he takes the theist position very seriously.
Anyway that is basically all I really had to say about Sam. Like I said, I don’t want to psychoanalyze Sam into some sort of Jungian archetype like I will inevitably do on subsequent posts like these, because if I do he would make fun of me and I will cry and poop my pants and also kill myself.
TL:DR Sam is sort of like the big brother for losers who are at least RW adjacent and he’s a lot smarter than most people seem to think. Also I will probably do a Nick Rochefort article at some point, and I WILL be putting him into some sort of Jungian framework.
Anyway, since Reviewbrah lost to Sam (it was actually a tie) he is up for vote again this time, except now he’s against Jeremy Fragrance. Frankly, this is an epic matchup.
Sam just threw something at Mike Mike btw.
Seriously what is up with Mike Mike dude??? iFunny Polandball Can you apply your mastery of physiognomy and phrenology here so we can figure out what Mike Mike’s deal is???